Tell us about your craft.
How did you get started? Were you always an artist/maker or did it come to you later in your career?
Do you have a favorite treasure or piece of art?
What inspires you to create?
BRENDAN: The opportunity to solve practical problems with aesthetic solutions.
CASEY: Respect for the materials and processes.
We’re interior designers, so we have to ask: what’s your design style at home?
BRENDAN: Books and records are my main decoration items. Never enough time to build furniture for myself.
CASEY: Modern to rustic. Generally clean spaces filled with hand made pieces. Sometimes eclectic
What is your guilty pleasure or vice of choice?
BRENDAN: Chile relleno burrito with a michelada.
CASEY: Sunset hill skateboarding.
What’s your favorite way to unwind?
BRENDAN: Surfing or playing guitar.
CASEY: Hike, walk the coast. Surf.
Travel is a major source of joy and inspiration for us - tell us your favorite place you’ve traveled.
BRENDAN: Hard to pick a favorite since everywhere offers something unique, so I’ll say my most recent trip to Lummi Island off the coast of Bellingham, Washington. I never tired of sitting on the porch at our rental house and staring at the San Juan Islands.
CASEY: Costa Rica really holds a place in my heart because it was the first place I traveled outside of the country. I was really nervous because I was traveling alone and I didn't know what to expect. I had an amazing time and my experience was heightened because of how new and different everything was.
Tell us something surprising about yourself!
BRENDAN: I wrote my senior thesis on the influence of Proust’s writing on depictions of time by modern film makers while studying English at UC Berkeley.
CASEY: I received my bachelor degree from UC Berkeley in Architecture, but chose to work in the trades to get a hands-on experience.
Love their work?
Come visit us in Mill Valley and see the Brehm Brothers' incredible craftsmanship for yourself, or head to the online shop to view the California Collection.